Looking back the year of 2011, I'm glad that I've taken a right road as my turning point of my life. Coming back to Malaysia really make me feel alive and get a lot of enjoyment. I'm appreciate that all those Singaporean "trained" me strictly, let me be a super responsible, a super hardworking, a super effective and a super tough person. Working at Singapore let me experience rapid growth. However, I fed up the life over there, you will become a materialistic, selfish, social apathy person. Especially those Malaysian who working on Singapore, they just focus on interest while doing anything. They become more kiansu and think that they are more dominant than us (who are survive at Malaysia). F! I just wanna said: "You are blinded by the money!" Yet become the slave of money, I faster come back. Sorry for those ppl who working at Singapore, I'm know I've convey in harsh manner, however it is TRUTH! You can keep on living over there and enjoy your way, but remember to come back at Polling date and visit your getting older parents. Million of thanks to my family, friends and my current company, successes rescued me from the days of tears. Now, I'm standing strength and smile though the days. I just wanna said, I like Singapore, but I more love KL <3
Looking back the year of 2011, I'm glad that I've taken a right road as my turning point of my life. Coming back to Malaysia really make me feel alive and get a lot of enjoyment. I'm appreciate that all those Singaporean "trained" me strictly, let me be a super responsible, a super hardworking, a super effective and a super tough person. Working at Singapore let me experience rapid growth. However, I fed up the life over there, you will become a materialistic, selfish, social apathy person. Especially those Malaysian who working on Singapore, they just focus on interest while doing anything. They become more kiansu and think that they are more dominant than us (who are survive at Malaysia). F! I just wanna said: "You are blinded by the money!" Yet become the slave of money, I faster come back. Sorry for those ppl who working at Singapore, I'm know I've convey in harsh manner, however it is TRUTH! You can keep on living over there and enjoy your way, but remember to come back at Polling date and visit your getting older parents. Million of thanks to my family, friends and my current company, successes rescued me from the days of tears. Now, I'm standing strength and smile though the days. I just wanna said, I like Singapore, but I more love KL <3
So TRUE, but so SAD
The century of love
y should we LOVE
Andui! 我还想继续我的假期
依然REFORMASI part 2
何为part 2? 因为本人去过2007年的Bersih 1.0. 还记得当年的我不太成熟,没太大的勇气,只带着一股傻劲,为了就是希望在来领的大选,压倒我国当今执政党(国阵)(一个让人听到,就想吐口水的政党)。当年的那场集会的确是为国家带来少许正面的反应 - 反对党赢取槟城和霹雳的执政权。可是最终国阵还是利用低级伎俩夺回霹雳执政权。人民在308大选的时候以选票给执政51年的国阵带来重大的政治警告,巫统却还依然没有醒悟,直接或间接地继续以种族政治与宗教课题分裂国民,对国家未来的发展有弊无利。最为严重的是两年前的赵明福事件,到目前还没有交代,更是令人民愤怒。种种不公平的事件和愚蠢的政策让我们真的是受不了了!就在今年(2011)的709我们再一次走向街头要让国阵看到我们的力量,这场万人集会并不是要抹黑大马,而是要你们国阵还我们人民一个公道!
我刚从新加坡回来,当我要来KL时,就以我个人的角度来感受大马。前两天当我坐巴士进入吉隆坡,一路上就有警察设的路障,大家都明白他们就是为了制止大量的人民进入吉隆坡市区参与集会。就算理由即使不是制止集会,大马警察喜欢无缘无故设路障的行动大家一定有尝试过。在其他民主国家,鲜少会有这种情况,因为这会导致交通瘫痪。但,马来西亚警察就是那么的“勤劳”,不勤劳那里有油水?当我要坐地铁进来市中心时,最好避免坐KTM。如果你曾经使用过KTM,你一定会感觉“度懒”,因为从来没有准时过,而且每趟时间距离将近45分钟。这是人坐的交通工具吗?坐马来西亚的交通工具和走在KL的街道上,你会感觉你生命和钱财会随时随地受到威胁,可见要生活在马来西亚,本身的警觉性一定要很高,完全没有安全感可言!尿急,进入新建的Pudu的公共厕所,外表设施不错,一走进去,想晕死。恶心的气味,马桶抽水器坏,厠纸丢到整间,用完厠纸也没refill,新的水龙头也坏了;导致水流满地。告诉大家这是刚建好的建筑物都没人信。我国真的是拥有一级设备,三流的mantainence, WTF!肚子饿了,找东西吃,KL的食物贵的惊人,随随便便就七八块。试问在一直通货膨胀,可是薪水却没起的情况下,要如何活在这样的国家?所以本地人才才会不断外流。前天全KL被怕死的政府封城,造成交通阻塞,很多人放工回不了家。还影响做生意了人,不能照常营业。这都“归功”于他们无知的对策。如果他们让我们和平的在体育馆集合,不需要封路,很多事情都可以简单的解决。可是他们大伤财力,动员整个马来西亚的警力,把整个事件复杂化。更可笑的是用我们这些纳税人的钱伤害我们这些纳税人!当我中催泪弹时,我心想“我绝不缴税给这样的政府!” 而且一般在别的国家,人民的生命受到威胁,就要打999,可是我们不能这么做,打去,就是“送羊入虎口”!试问,这样的国家我们还有谁可以依靠???
when u meet a BITCH...
How to do/react if you meet a bitch?
2> To be rationally and calmly face the troubles, so that you can make your own decisions rationally.